Wednesday, September 28, 2005
FaLsE HoPe?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
My oh it fate or juz me!!!!!!!!!!!! As u all know............i've started my internship with Holiday Tours.............and ain't all rosy and stuff..............As there are 4 Np students who are attached to the company...........we were separate into 2 sectors..........Zhi Ming and Mitch are in the inbound sector and Ken Ming(*hope i spelt it right...sorry dude*) and i are in the outbound sector................well y-day being the first day..........Cheryl, the lady tat we had to report to in the morning kindda gave us a short briefing and then brought us to the different departments.......(*we're all workin in diff dept*) .............We were also in different levels......the inbound sector was in level 7, and mine was @ the 6th where the actually travel agency is............when i found out which particular dept in the outbound sector tat i'm goin to work JAWS almost DROPPED................SHIT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in the operations dept AGAIN.........and guess wat.......this dept has only 5 people....(*one guy is a Jap...look very stern*).....the rest are ladies............and these guys preety much have to multi-task(*does it sound familiar from my last attachment*)........they have to answer phone calls from customers who want to enquire abt a tour package or do the bookin, read and disseminate ALL the e-mail to the right person, also handle walk-in customers who juz have NO PATIENCE at ALL..........and like a dozen other stuff's like NTUC Link again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahiyo!!!!!!!!!!!! Why??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!! Why???/!!!!!!!!! ME???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really wanted to learnt about sales and marketing coz i'm like totally sick and tired of doin the front line..................Wah.............u won't believe................y-day....even before of the staff Jessica....already ask me like takin phone-in bookin(*not easy..u tell the customer the wrong thing...u're doomed*) and oh!!!! i'm like a part-time secretary 4 all of em man.....i've to like answer their phone call when the busy...or even when they are seated at their workstation....coz apparently they might be too bloody busy doin a bookin online or doin other stuff.....there's like a special code tat i need to enter to tap into their phone to retrieve the calls...................Damn it.............can't they give me other stuff to do??????????? like something more worth it........oh!!!!!!!!!! i'm already destination expert for Maldives coz i had soooo many bookin for tat place...............from Hero!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean.....i'm like really left in the dark to find out and do stuff on my own....seriously....if i don't keep askin em for stuff to do.....i'll never learn anything.....................Oh...there's also a super BITCHY gal in my dept...............really like Ah-Lian..........godness......and today....she passed a nasty remark in mandarin to jessica thinkin tat i had no idea what she was sayin abt me.................(*stupid bitch!!!!*)...........i juz kept my cool, trust me...if u heard what she said...u'll smack her too...............on the other hand....they are nice pple in my Yen Ling....who speaks SUPER fluent Japanese.........and there's Joanna....she's really a very nice lady(*she wasnt's ard y-day..thnk god she was here today*)...... My dept also often cater to ALOT of japanese our dept isn't actually called operations dept....but it's Japanese Community Dept..................(*weird ahh...hard to explain here lah...i'll tell u when i see u guys...*) .............but't that great of a day either.....i still do ALOT of "siakang"(*err...i don't know how to spell tat chinese work*) work today...............god knows wat i'll do tmrw!!!!!!!!!!!!! pray for me darlins.........juz pray tat i'll do my job well and have the strength go through this whole attachment prog..................
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 12:44 PM
Monday, September 26, 2005
A.R Rahman Concert!!!!!!!!
okie......this may sound unbelievable ....but i actually went to an Indian Concert.......yeah...yeah....go ahead and laugh..................(* i can picture some of ya eyes poppin' out..LOL*) i was sayin.................i went to the A.R. Rahman Concert in the indoor stadium y-day.............and DAMN.............i muz say i had sooooooooooooo much fun watchin ALL the various North & South indian singers belt out some of the most famous HITS.............. This dude A.R. Rahman....he's actually a music composer, songwriter and he does sing a lil bit too................he was Phenomenal man!!!!!!!!!!!! the stage was sooo cool(*look plain at 1st...but had some hidden surprises*)..........the lighting,props and the graphics were awwsome...........Even the musicians was TOTALLY enthusiastic and super funnie too............two of my dad's frenz were the of em' is the world's fastest drummers.....gosh!!!!!!!! u sld have seen the way he played the drums............he was super-sonic fast!!!!!! people gave him a standing ovation...................he was really superb!!!!!!!!!!! They had some of my fav song played too...........some were sung in Hindi and others in was a good mix of both..................oh!!!!!!!!!!! there was this indian dude tat rapped a couple of songs.....i think some indians will know who he is lah(*the dude tat rapped in the "BABA" movie*)..............i had NO IDEA.....tat the rapper was soooooooooo cute(*bald fellow..who dressed up like a typical black rapper..with ALL the "Bling..Bling"...LOL*)...........he's good lookin too...........but then again..i cld be eyesight is like shit anyway.....anyhow...its quite rare to find indian dudes rappin.......then there was this other fellow tat sang all the songs from the MOST popular Teen Movie called "BOYS"............the singer was quite charming too.............damn!!!!!!!!!! i loved his voice............and the songs too...DUH!!!!!!!!!I can't believe tat A.R. Rahman even did for a famous chinese warrior movie.....forgot the title(*i think it's called Warriors of Heaven*).....but the music for it was beyond wat i ever was sung by a american lady who cld hit all the high notes perfectly....(*very sharp man her voice*).........then one of my mum's fav singers, Hariharan, also performed last night............tat dude wsa darn FUNNIE....he got all the spectators involved, teased and even danced with a few of em........he's very JOVIAL too.....for some1 who's abt 55 yrs old....he looks more like he's in his 40's..........and man...everytime he sang..............u cld see tat everyone was totally engrossed and mesmerized by his Crystal-Clear voice.................he even gave an unplugged perfomance with 2 other female singers..................a total class-act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The whole concert ended with a bang...................ended abt 11 plus......more than 3 hrs of non-stop was a blast...................Hiazzzzzzzzzzzzz.............all tat fun had to've got to get my stuff ready 4 tmrw...........i'll be startin my internship bright and early tmrw..... i better let u guys know tat i may not blog as often...........but tat's only coz i know 4 sure i'll be dead tired(*Mr.Tham already warned us*) ...............i hope the pple there are friendly and nice.....okie....darlins............i'm out of here.....gonna make some nice HOT green tea......................
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 8:44 AM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
QuiCk OnE.....
okie..........didn't want to blog today actually coz i'm too lazy......anyway........i woke up @11am this morning(*chatted wif my sec sch tution teacher till 1am...ahah...she was tryin to do her own website*)..............i wasn't suppose to go out today..........but my counsellor..Ms Devi wanted to juz meet met her ard 3.30pm @ city hall...............our mission for the day was to find a brand new pair of shoes for my work.............i know...i know...i can totally see some of u either rollin ya eyes or shaking ya head.............i may have alot of shoes.............but ey!!!!!!!!!!! a girl gotta always have a brand new pair of heels...hehe(*i'm charged 4 being VERY gulity*)Anyway.......................i went to soooooo many shoes shops...............and i juz cldn't find one tat was worth to buy...........some are either too expensive or not good quality...............or maybe i'm juz too fussy............i truly ADMIT tat.............i'm very particular when it comes to buyin shoes...........coz i really take care of my feet...............i pamper it alot in the end............i didn't buy any shoes at all...................i even went to bugis...........and oh!!!!!!!! i bumped into Siti and Shy.....LOL.........siti was such a wack!!!!!!!! total 4 shy......she's always goofy................then ard called me to meet her @ city hall mrt...wanted to go to as i walked from bugis to raffles city........and of ALL the person in the GALAXY.........i juz had to bump into a bloody asshole(*sorry 4 the language...but the looks of it...i'm sure some of u know who it is.....*) i juz don't know why on earth i had to see tat fellow's face............eeeekkkkkkkkk........apparently i found out from shy tat it's his birthday today.............ahh watever lah!!!!!!!! So i met up wif my mom....had a super full dinner...........oh!!!!!!!!! i ate swensen's ice cream.........ate the....erm.....forgot the name lah.......but it was a damn SINFUL one man!!!!!!!!! had chocolate & coffee ice cream with Butterscotch...& whipped cream...topped off with a yummy cherry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhlalalala.................okie..................i starting to feel tat i crappin already.................time 4 me to get out of here............wanna watch finish my White Chicks DVD..........i watched it half-way.....and damn it's soooooooooo funnie.................Oh!!!!!!!!!!! guess wat guys.............i won a pair of tix to watch Lords of Dogtown & 2 pairs of tix to the 98.7FM Flaunt party @ Club MoMo....i'll be goin to the club wif my bro, deb and haddad.....i juz have no clue who to dress up as coz it's a costume party where u need to dress up as a who the heck can i dress up as...............SAVE ME DARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any!!!!!!!!!!!
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 2:43 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Juz VeRy MaD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't really have the mood to blog y-day...................i actually went out wif Cheryl to watch the movie Brothers Grimm.....quite funnie...........i really enjoyed it...................however once i came home ard 6 damn hp starting to give me prob..........erghhhh!!!!!!! i know i wanna change to a new hp but....wait lah!!!!!!!!! i was thinkin of buyin my hp using my own cash & not my daddy''s good enff tat he pays my bills..............shit my hp auto shut off on it's own.........and i didn't know tat i had an impt sms from Deb...............So after dinner............i tryin to dismatel my hp and fix it back again wif the hope tat it won't die out on me ..........i got tat furious sms from deb talkin abt 2 of our "once upon time" close frnz, who has TOTALLY forgotten abt us.................oh!!!!!!!! nt juz of em even has the cheek to mention tat she consider "OTHER" pple as a true fren over us...............SHIT U lah!!!!!!!!! Deb and i have been there wif these two gals MORE often than the "OTHER" pple.............. gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! shame on the 2 of U!!!!!!!!!!!! is this how u show ur damn gratitude to the both of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm Extremely disappointed in the both of u....................and don't even think abt askin me who i'm talkin abt............u jolly well know who u are..................U call either one of us ONLY when u need help, want to borrow something or lost ur way somewhere...........and when i call or sms u guys....................u don't even give a RAT'S ASS abt it...............and when i finally get to u guys....(*which may take 2-3mths..or even longer*)...............u juz give LAME excuses sayin...."oh...i was too busy"......"oh i was out wif someone else"..........and worst still......u DON'T EVEN REPLY like for AGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u tink i'm juz gonna let u guys WALK ALL over me and Deb!!!!!!!!!! HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u think wat ah?!!!!!! both of us are some LIFELINE of urs tat u only run to when u are in some kind of trouble..................we're NOT SUCKERS u know.................we loved u both soooooooo much..............we cared for ya too.................we looked out 4 U............i don't have a sister......but i regarded u as one..............and after ALL these this how u treat a fren.....ohhh!!!!!!!! wait a min....i don't even think we're ur frenz anymore.......apparently u have found "BETTER TRUE FRENZ".............deb and i juz don't fit the bill to be regarded as ur fren ya.......we're juz not GOOD ENOUGH 4 u right????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINE!!!!!!!!!! go ahead......... i think we've ceased to exist in either one of ur life.....we're more like dead to u both............ if tat's wat u BE IT!!!!!!!!!!! I've washed my hands clean off u both...............and i'm sure deb feels the same too...............Thanks for ALL the Good Times we had..........unfortunately i won't be lucky to have anymore of tat with either one of ya............... Have a Great Time!!! with ya new found "FRIENDS"...................
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 7:40 AM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
AbAcUs TrAiNiNg ToDaY!!!!!!!!!
oh my gosh............i'm already doozing off to "LA LA Land" now...............i'm in my Abacus training class as i'm typing this..........the trainer juz went out to get some technical glitch figured!!!!!!!! i'm waiting 4 very long already man!!!!!!!!!!! apparently we are suppose to be issuing one of those real airline ticket...........hahah............the sample the trainer has really look like the real deal..............maybe since the ticket is issued under my name.......i might juz be able to use it....(*evil laughter*)'s a round trip ticket...from singapore to brunei and back again................ okie..........gonna stop here..........hopefully we'll figure this shit out soon............LOL.............oh by the way............i had a really good meal today @ a cool lookin place in Temasek Tower......................Hahah...seems like almost every1 in the class now are wondering to dream land or busy doin the blogging juz like me...........
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 6:46 AM
Monday, September 19, 2005
SuNDaY!!!!!!!!!! WhAt DiD i Do toDaY?
Darn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my arms are aching like's all coz of Wild Wild gain...................never mind...all that exercising will pay off...... Juz now...ard noon.......i met up wif Cheryl @ tiong baruh mall.....coz i had to get back my formal top from her as i'll be starting work really soon.............then juz walk ard...chit-chat wif her....& oh i rented 3 DVDs from Video Ezy....they are Guess Who, Bride & Prejudice & White Chicks (*the uncensored & unrated version*)................ juz wanted to keep myself occupied other then doin all those DAMN household chores................Juz moments ago...i was "cleaning" up ALL my folders in my laptop...........i have soooooooooo many pics and other sch i transfer all those files into a all that's really left in my laptop is my bro's graphics thingy..............once he transfer's his stuff to his computer.......then i'm goin to re-format my laptop.............FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!As i was transfering some old pics......................i realized tat i use to have a really short hairdo when i was in year 1......(* Zhao yuan...remember u were askin me a few days ago if i ever had a short hairdo...well infact u've seen it...hahah*) Even i forgot tat i had such short hair..........LOL......i'll post a pic of it....but u got to promise nt to laugh yeah??!!! I was also lookin through some lovely pics tat i took wif Deb,Sze Yee, Shy, Marie & Lavan....a really long time ago......shessh gals............we've really grown quite a fair bit...............ahahha....all those memorable times we used to have in poly Year 1.......(*time really flies*)I also looked @ some goofy pics i took wif my niece,nephew & my wacky cousins........damn........i miss em all............haven't seen or talked to most of em for a VERY long time................maybe i sld start visiting my relatives hse soon............i kindda cried when i saw some of the pics......tat's coz i truly love em and miss being ard them too.................(*the r the craziest bunch of relatives i have*) Guess tat's all i've got to blog 4 today............tmrw i've gotta wake up early to go 4 my Abacus training (*a software used by many travel agencies in s' ain't the chinese calculator....LOL*)'s goin to be until ard 5pm...............i hope i don't fall asleep half-way.......
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:25 AM
OLd PiCs
Took it during the CNY celebration my family had in my new was in 2004......(*from the nephew Aravind, Deb and my niece Deeviya*)
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:24 AM
My Bro and some of the lil naughty ones tat were in my place durin the Chinese New Year of 2003
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:23 AM
Christmas of 2003
During our X-mas'03 gift x-change gathering.....Me, Cheryl & Deb...outside Taka.....
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:22 AM
The rest of the bunch...............
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:21 AM
Deepavali of 2003, juz after i moved to my new's a sweet pic of my dalins....from the left(* yixin, sze yee, me & deb*)
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:20 AM
Long Ago!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh!!!!!!! this pic was like taken ages ago....juz before we got into poly....hahah...we look sooo different.....tis was taken @ our sec sch canteen during teacher's day...
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:19 AM
Teacher's Day pic wif our "father-like" physics teacher Mr Ng.........
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:18 AM

i like this pic alot................guess coz i took it wif my wonderful pals............deb and shuya..................
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:17 AM
All smiles!!!!!!!!!!!!! tat's shy, lavan and me.....took it in a neo print booth...............yet another old pic..................
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:16 AM
I remember this day very was on Deb's birthday.....bought her fav brownies wif ice cream in replacement of a was surprise birthday tingy tat we planned 4 her.....we lied to her tat lavan was in trouble wif some indian dudes in NP...and told her to rush down to the block near canteen 3...deb really rushed truly showed how much she was worried and loved lavan...ahahah....
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 9:14 AM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Out & About
okie.......seems like it's goin to take more then 2 days to get over the fact that exams are finally over...........i juz couldn't sleep the whole night y-day.................i stayed up till abt 2am plus...juz lying on my bed and juz dazing at................I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! shessh!!!!!!! it juz feels SUPER weird tat i ain't busy studying away..................maybe my brain hasn't adjusted quite juz yet to the "ENJOYMENT MODE" me crazy............but i juz picked up my notes and juz look through it coz i juz cldn't put myself to sleep(*okie...i'm confirm gila...100%*)I woke early today too..................u mind is juz too robotic already..........the moment it's 9.30 or 10am....i'll juz automatically wake up.....tat's coz during the exam period, it's the time tat usually wake up...............poor i'm having such a bad headache coz i can't sleep and haven't had much of it either.............Anway...............finally i get to do my pedicure myself..........i miss giving myself lil' treats like i've got pretty "HOT PINK" nail polish wif nail art on my toes............Deb even thought tat i actually went to a shop to get it done...........(*'s DIY gal..i can do it 4 ya too*) I went out today wif my mummy....she juz didn't want to stay at home....wanted to go out 4 shopping........and i also kindda needed to get a formal top we went down to SUNTEC...........but all the tops tat i tried were too oversized and toooooooooo bloody not worth it man....moreover the quality was like shit...............after hanging out wif my mum for a couple of hours.............i down to meet deb @ orchard(*haddad joined us later on*)................lucky enough she helped me pick a really nice formal top.............(*thanx alot gal*) after which we went ard lookin 4 a pair of black covered shoes 4 her work.........hahah...after sooooo long she's wearing a covered shoes.....due to her in-grown the end she managed to get a value for money shoes......quite nice..........After that..............Haddad,deb and i went to have dinner @ KFC...the far east plaza juz realized that it's been very long since i ate KFC........ummmmmm.....anyhow....after dinner...we took a bus down to Plaza Singapura....deb bought some nice lookin tops..............and then after a long day..............i headed back home............oh well............i wonder 4 how long more i can juz sit at home and rot or go out and enjoy wif my pals..............i'm guessing it's not goin to be 4 i'll be startin my attachment prog next's okie.................i ain't gonna's wat i wanted anyway..............alrighty........time 4 me to head on out of here.................ummmm....maybe tmrw i'll go to Video Ezy to rent some nice DVDS..................any nice movies to recommend???
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 2:43 PM
Saturday, September 17, 2005
WILD, WILD WET!!!!!!!!!!!
wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today was juz a SUPER DUPER awwwwwsoooome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Headed down to WILD WILD WET today wif zhao yuan,steph,wei see and sin yee...........gosh...........we really had a whole lotta fun.........i didn't even spend tat much today either..... my daddy was sweet enough to get me a complimentary pass to the i didn't have to pay for the entrance fee......i didn't even know tat he had those tix till he gave it to me last night.......(*thanx daddy*) We played all the rides except one.....which is the "Samsung Slide"..........only steph and wei see were daring enough to play tat looked super scary!!!!!!!!!! and gosh!!!!!!!! the position u had to it sit in...was a lil',no,no,no......VERY EXPLICIT!!!!!!!!! (*u have to sit in pairs*) anyway............we juz kept goin 4 ALOT of the rides over and over again..................tat's coz there truly isn't tat many rides in there......but...u can have some serious and cheeky fun there wif ya pals...............i really don't mind goin there one more time.............but maybe next year or wat.....coz the place will be closed for renovation in OCTOBER....and once it's open'll be already the school holiday season............and i sure as HELL don't wanna go when there's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many annoying lil kids running ard.....hahahahha..................Oh!!!!!!!!!! goin to WILD WILD WET gives u a really good form of exercising too........tat's coz 4 two of the best rides there......u'll need to walk up quite a long flight of stairs....& being the lazy bum i was VERY tiring....but hey!!!!!!!!!! wat the heck!!!!!!! i juz wanted to have a whole lotta fun...........and i sure did...................Zhao yuan........being the GILA..& "Value-4-money" person she is..........................she got ALL of us to sit on the "ULAR-LAH" ride 4 10 FREAKING TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the lifeguards there are damn nice and funny too...............sabo us alot of times too..........esp Sin Yee..............LOL....poor gal...............Steph was sooo determined to recreate the "MARK ZEE" Wild Wild Wet advertisment....and she did it!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha....very funnie!!!!!!!!!!! unfortunately i did get hurt during on of the ripped off part of my skin on my left elbow..........looked quite bad....but it really didn't hurt tat much...............wei see....being the sweetie she is......helped to get alot of plaster 4 me from the hunky lifeguards............. (*thanx darlin*) well...all in all.......i had a WELL DESERVED fun today...............We left the place ard 6 plus..........(*went there ard 1pm*)....then we headed down to Marina Square to have a really good dinner...........felt a lil weird though....walkin ard wif my shorts and the newly burnt look.............(*i look one shade darker now....shesssh*) i'm super tired...........i bet i'll have a very "floating" feeling when i sleep...................and surely i'll knock out very soon......and sleep like a dead log...............LOL........okie.......time 4 me to get out of here..........till my next entry...............NIGHT.........NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 2:55 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005
ReNa BaBy Is BaCk WiTh A BaNg!!!!!!!!!!!!
howdy darlins!!!!!!!!!!!!!! surprised to see me blogging again after like erm....... a CENTURY....hahahha..................well..........i sincerely apologize yea......i'm been too darn caught up sch and of course EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some of ya wld have already known how i behave during the exam season................don't like anyone disturbing my AURA...................Well...........this time ard...........i had a relapse of my damn PANIC ATTACK..............lucky enough it wasn't as terrible as last semester. But i really hated tat whole exam feeling............oh tat it's ALL OVER...............i wld juz have to leave it to GOD.................Anyway........since today was the last day of exams 4 me and my was juz 4 all of us to let loose and party!!!!!!!!!!!! whoohooo............Steph,Joanna,Joell,Ruiling and I went to esplanade to have a yummylious meal @ Thai Express.............. Poor Joanna kept coughing away....apparently she choked twice while talkin to mummy Steph told her to concentrate on her food instead....LOL................well............we had a super long chat while dining....then we walked ard CityLink Mall(*alot of more delifrance...sob*)....and went headed to Raffles City Mall..............As usual............if i were to go there........i'll always give my Perlini Silver ankelet to be i gave to a dude tat was workin there........thinkin tat i cld put back my lovely polished ankelet..........the supervisor came up to me and said "oh sorry miss....but i think my staff broke ur we'll need to send it to the head office to mend it.....&'ll take 2-3 weeks"............wahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!...............i tell u ahhhhhhhh....i wld have really given her and tat stupid fellow a piece of my mind...........but then i thought..............ahhh...poor thing.......i don't wanna break another person's rice bowl..............i scared tat poor fellow get "left,right & center" from the i juz smiled and say..........."it's okie"............but shit lah..........i feel soooooooooo weird wifout my ankelet..........moreover it's my fav one..........hiaz.............after tat....the rest of us walked ard...juz window shoppin......Joanna almost bought a GUESS bag.....super "SLICK" and compact..........oh and guess wat!!!!!!!!!! i saw a potential PROM dress..........i know it's still too early 4 tat...........but i know i won't buy it during the month b4 prom itself...coz there's bound to be someone who may end up wearing the same tat'll be a TOTAL NIGHTMARE 4 me or 4 any gal..........anyway.....i tink tat dress is soooo's juz like wat i wanted....except for the fact tat it was BLACK.....but it had really nice embroidery & sequins stitched on it...& it's a short dress too...not those long ones....ohlalalala.....however............i won't buy tat now.......who knows...maybe i'll find a better one later...............Okie............i'm starting to dooze off already............i really need my beauty won't be long till i'll be dying to get enough sleep...tat's coz i'll be starting my internship really soon......... seems like i don't really have ANY holiday at all coz next week i'll need to go 4 some training shit ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind...................I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahhaha...........okie....b4 i start to crap even more...................good night darlins.................tmrw i'll be goin to WILD, WILD,WET!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! hope i won't get sun-burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WoRdS oF tHe InDiAn GeiShA at 3:17 PM